我们9-12年级的高中预习日和开放日活动即将到来!  网上注册


“作为基督徒, 我们总是要提醒自己,我们的时间不属于我们,而是属于我们的上帝,他创造了我们每个人,都有一个特定的目的.这些话, 由ECHS圣经和敬拜学生撰写, 帮助学生为6月1日的服务日做准备, 2018.  经过一周的圣经和敬拜,学生们开始了敬拜和服侍团队的准备工作, 高中学生团体, 教师, 和工作人员, 由家长和社区志愿者参与, 与28家企业合作, 教堂, 和组织作基督的手和脚. A few business/organization partners reflected: “ students were respectful and helpful”; “we love having them”; “they are such a blessing”; “we’re thankful for the energetic and enthusiastic group”; “we accomplished more than I thought we would”; “students helped and worked hard”.  

跟着画走, 清洁, 组织, 年长的访问, 种植, 除草, 捡垃圾, 音乐表演, 以及办公项目, 学生们回到校园教室进行小组汇报和第三街区分享. 老师们分享道:“我的学生被感动了. 其中一个提到她的家人向这样的中心捐款, and now she really understands what they do and why”; “students were thoroughly engaged and appreciated the opportunity to use their skills”; “it was a learning experience and provided an opportunity to do something practical”. 学生们讨论了他们的服务如何与他们的信仰联系起来,以及上帝为什么/如何呼召我们去服务.  学生 noted: “Service Day is a great opportunity for students”; “I didn’t even realize how the elderly were living and how lonely it can be- I’m glad I got to go and see”; “service is an opportunity to connect to the heart”; “it’s a time that isn’t just about me… it’s about others and being Christ’s hands and feet”; “it pushes me out of my comfort zone to impact others and grow”. ECHS在6月1日的服务很好,现在期待更多的机会来履行基督赋予我们的彼此服务的责任和特权.

